Unswtnd + Unfltrd

Understanding Sexual Health and Confronting Sexual Violence with Aisha Ismail

August 18, 2020 Zaina and Dounya Season 2

Trigger Warning: In this episode we discuss sexual violence. If you find this topic to be triggering, please hit pause and check out some of our older episodes instead! 

Let's stop beating around the bush when it comes to our bodies and our health. Instead, let's empower each other with shameless knowledge and remove the stigma that follows. 

In Ep. 27 of Season 2, we speak to Aisha Ismail about the lack of sexual health & reproductive education in the Muslim community, the importance of understanding and confronting sexual violence and all that the Muslim-led organization Heart has to offer. 

It's our body and it's about time we get to know it. Aisha outlines the importance of sexual health literacy and why it's crucial that we increase the spread of this vital information throughout our community. 

Understanding our bodies is a right, because sexual education covers more than just the birds and the bees- it expands across areas like menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum and so much more. We shouldn't be caught-off guard or left in the dark when it comes to our own physical health. 

Aisha also discusses the growing number of sexual violence incidents within our community. The unfortunate truth is that 68% of victims don't go to the police. Could fear of being judged, for something that they are a victim of, be to blame? Aisha says, most likely. She digs into why and how we can help differentiate the difference between consensual sex and sexual assault. 

This episode is a chalk full of incredibly useful and crucial information that helps learning about our bodies at any given age much easier. 

We're proud to be a part of an ever-growing circle of women, who like Aisha, share a common goal: empower the ladies in our community with knowledge.

Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered
Follow Aisha on Instagram: @ayooshismai
Check Out Heart on Instagram: @hearttogrow
Take A Look At All 'Heart' Has To Offer HERE