Unswtnd + Unfltrd

The Role Of A Lifetime & How The Role Of Our Parents Can Influence Our Dreams with Zoha Rahman

Zaina and Dounya Season 2

A chance to play a role of a lifetime is a dream come true for this week's guest, but how did the role of her parents influence her decision?

In Ep.28 of Season 2, we speak to Zoha Rahman, who starred in the Marvel movie, "Spiderman: Far From Home", as the first hijabi character.

We chat with Zoha about representation in the media and her thoughts on tokenism, as well as starting a career in acting; a profession not too often touched by those in our community.

We also dive into the many conversations Zoha has had with her parents as she opened up to them about her hopes and aspirations. Many who choose an unconventional career route know this conversation doesn't go over too well, but the actress walks us through how she navigated the discussion and how she kept working toward her goals without the initial support from her parents.

The conversation continues as we talk about the basic fundamentals we should raise our young girls with and how we can continue to support each other.

From just a dream to actually seeing her name in lights, Zoha proves with hard work, determination and faith, anything we put our minds to is truly possible!

Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered
Follow Zoha On Instagram: @zoha_purplemush