Unswtnd + Unfltrd
Unswtnd + Unfltrd
God's Timing: How Much Do You Truly Trust in God's Plan and God's Pace w/ Melanie Elturk
God’s timing is never rushed by our impatience in this Dunya, for He is always in control of all plans and we are in control of the steps we take toward His plans.
One quote that always lingers in my mind is:
If your heart became closer to Allah as a result of something that has happened to you, it was the biggest blessing.
You know, sometimes in moments of hardship we tend to feel as if God has forgotten us, but it’s in these moments when we are truly reminded of Allah’s mercy and His love for every one of His creations.
Today’s special guest, Melanie Elturk, CEO of Haute Hijab, said something that resonated deep within my heart, she said, just because you’re far from Allah, does not mean that Allah is far from you.
How often do we feel distant from God, reluctant to make dua, and the desire to be in the driver’s seat of our life even in moments where we feel like we are being tested beyond belief?
And so, I had the honor to sit down with Melanie to discuss how to better understand the concept of trusting God - like really trusting God.
She is someone who hasn't had a shortage of hardships herself, from dealing with grief, loss and recently opening up about going through a divorce, I wanted to gain a better insight into how one can truly let go, and let God.
In this episode we discuss why we are so keen on carrying the deep and emotional pain we have gone through rather than unpacking it once and for all, we talk about the stories our wounds carry and how therapy has been both eye and heart opening for the both of us.
You know in life, we go through multiple rebirths, and more often than not our rebirth happens when we hit rock bottom and not because there is nowhere to go, but because we don’t want to feel this way again.
So how does one prepare for radical change? How do we learn to accept not only God’s plans but also God’s pace?
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