Unswtnd + Unfltrd

Doing Things for the Sake of Allah: Imagine Your Voice Being Known in the Heavens w/ Asmaa Hussein

Unswtnd+Unfltrd Season 3
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00:00 | 51:18

'Islam is meant to be practiced by human beings who are flawed and in pain, who struggle to succeed but sometimes fail, and who return to God after those failures.'

These words were birthed from pain, on a journey of healing and understanding, words spoken by today’s special guest, Asmaa Hussein.

Lately, my duas have been accompanied by a tear soaked prayer mat. Moments of reflection where I unload every burden weighing heavy on my heart. Nights where I allow my heart to speak on my behalf and mornings where I wake up feeling a bit more lighter knowing that my Creator is the only Being that understands the wishes that lie beneath my tongue and the wounds my tears may still carry. 

In this timely episode, I had a very personal and intimate conversation with Asmaa regarding her most recent post that had gone viral where she had shared her relationship with her hijab. 

Asmaa is an author, blogger and  mother - just to name  a few of her successful endeavors. If you take one look at her writing, from her books to her online  posts, your heart would have no choice but to be enveloped with words that will deeply move you.

I wanted to explore the notion of doing things for the sake of Allah and what that means to Asmaa in regards to her personal choice of wearing the hijab.

We both discuss our experiences with making dua and the beauty that lies behind what Allah has planned for us even if at times we may not understand how or why certain things unfold. Asmaa shares with us the wisdom she has gathered from her experiences dealing with motherhood and widowhood.

This conversation led us to the topic of the Hereafter and how we can navigate this dunya with this on our minds - knowing that one day we will exist in another realm.

And so, Asmaa left me with these words that sent a chill down my spine:

Imagine your voice being known in the heavens.

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